Our Curriculum - Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Children are born ready, able and eager to learn. They actively reach out to interact with the environment and people in the world around them. We encourage the natural stages of development and milestones of each child, scaffolding them with expert planning and reactionary interactions from our staff. Thus our ethos is to understand that child development depends on each unique child having opportunities to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments. We follow the following EYFS guidance and principles:
Prime Areas: Specific Areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional - Literacy
- Physical Development - Mathematics
- Communication and Language - Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Extra Curriculum
We have a qualified pianist (BA HONS) who teaches piano to our children once a week, on request.
He has been teaching children and adults to play for over 10 years, and has testimonials which express the experience and achievements over the years.
We introduce languages within the nursery from the age of 3 months upwards, using the BBC Language course Muzzy. This programme uses a 'see and learn' and also 'listen and learn' way of teaching.
The child's interest is captured through watching brightly coloured and delightful animated cartoons. The children are drawn into a world of learning without even noticing.
This is a very stress free way of learning with no worry or pushing, just a fun and enjoyable world of learning.
We offer French, Spanish, and Italian to all children. Children learn languages naturally, and picking up a second language is easier to do so, if children are exposed to them early.
We also have a member of staff who is fluent in French and Spanish who will be holding weekly lessons for the pre-school children.